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"new ways of thinking"


Psychologica® M.D. Michael Edwardson, can be booked for conference speaking engagements through Wiesener & Associates - or through Saxton Speakers Bureau (link here)


For Media, Press and Editorial enquiries please contact us.

Refereed Papers (*), Book Chapters & Industry Reports

Articles, Editorial and Media

Conference, Workshop and Seminar Paper Presentations (*denotes refereed papers)

Refereed Papers (*), Articles, Book Chapters & Industry Reports

Edwardson, M. (2008). Teaching Qualitative Research in Undergraduate Market Research Courses. Whitepaper. QSR International. 

Edwardson, Michael (2006). Contract Report. Complaint Handling: Return on Investment - Society of Consumer Affairs

Edwardson, M. (2005). “Shopping Centre Perceptions”. Case Study in: Marketing Research (2nd pacific Rim Edition), Aaker, Kumar, Day, Lawley, Stewart. Queensland: Wiley pp.528-538.

 *Cowley, E. Farrell, C.& Edwardson, M. (2005), "The Role of Affective Expectations in the Memory for a Service Encounter," Journal of Business Research, 58,10.

*Cowley, E. Farrell, C.& Edwardson, M. (2004), "Affective Expectations and Uncertainty Orientation: When do Affective Expectations Stop Influencing Affective Reactions?," Advances in Consumer Research, 31.

*Cowley, E. Farrell, C.& Edwardson, M. (2004), "A New Classification of Uncertainty Orientation: Exploring the Susceptibility to the Hindsight Bias in a Gambling Context," Advances in Consumer Research, 31.

Edwardson, M. (2003, October). The Emotionally Intelligent Marketer, Networkx Marketing Meetings.

Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals (2003). Consumer Emotions Study. Consultants and authors M.Edwardson & W.Croker. ....See media release.

Edwardson, M. (2002). The Brand Story and Emotion Scripts:
A new methodology for measuring the consumer experience
China Entrepreneur, 9, pp.106-107.

Edwardson, M. (2001) "Involvement, Self Concept and Murdoch Magazines". Case Study in: Consumer Behaviour, Schiffman, Bednall, Cowley, O'Cass, Watson & Kanuk. Sydney: Pearson Publishing, pp.140-142.

Murdoch Magazines (2000) How does media selection impact on consumers and your brand. Advertising industry study.

Edwardson, M (2000) "Forward" in J.Barlow and D.Maul. Emotional Value, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishing.

*Giaquinto, A.; Edwardson, M.; Wheeler, L.; Williams, K (1999)." The Dimensions of Attractiveness in Women's Magazines. How Different Attractiveness Types Position Your Brand" Strategic Publishing: Looking to the Future ESOMAR Publication Series - Volume 233 ISBN 92 831 1288 1

Murdoch Magazines (1998, December) The Dimensions of Attractiveness: How Specific Beauty Types Position your Brand - Advertising Industry Report.

Edwardson, M (1998). "The new era in satisfaction research: consumer emotions", in B.Whitford. Customer Service Excellence, Sydney: Beaumont Publishing, pp.11-23.

*Edwardson, M. (1998). Measuring emotions in service encounters: An exploratory analysis, Australasian Journal of Market Research ,6,2, 34-48.

Lovelock, C.H., Edwardson, M., Patterson, P.G. (1998) "Managing the customer service function" in C.Lovelock, P.Patterson, & R.Walker, Services Marketing (1st ed), Sydney: Prentice-Hall, pp.423 - 445.

*Edwardson, M. (1997). Emotion prototypes in service encounters. Australian Journal of Psychology, 49, Supp., p.33.

Edwardson, M. (1997). More than a feeling. Leisure: emotion and service. Australian Leisure Management, August/September, pp.40-41


Conference, Workshop and Seminar Paper Presentations (* denotes refereed papers)

Edwardson, M.(2007). Marketing how we feel: Emotions in Exchange Relationships. The Psychology and Ethics of New Marketing, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, University of Melbourne, 6-7 August, Melbourne.

 *Shammout, Ahmad. & Edwardson, Michael. (2006) "What makes Arabic customers loyal?" in Proceedings of the CAUTHE 2006 Conference. Ed(s). G.B. O'Mahony, P. Whitelaw. Victoria University, Melbourne.

Edwardson, M. (2006, April 10) Conference Chair: Insight 2006: Re-Invigorating Research to make informed  Decisions. IQPC Sydney, Darling Harbour.

*Farrell, Colin, Elizabeth Cowley & Michael Edwardson (2005), “Strategies to Improve the Probability of Winning a Lottery: Gamblers and their Illusion of Control,” European Association for Consumer Research Conference, Goteborg, Sweden, June 15-18.

Edwardson, M. (2005, March 22) Conference Chair: Insight 2005: Extracting & Actioning Insights To Drive Profitable Consumer-Focused Business Decisions. IQPC Sydney.

Edwardson, M. (2004, October). Dealing with the Unhappy and Difficult Customer. 1st Plenary Session: Consumer Relationships: For Better or Worse: SOCAP Australia 2004 International Symposium.

Edwardson, M. (2004, September). Querilous Complainants: How to handle "difficult" complainants. Financial Industry Complaints Service: Dispute Resolution Conference, Sydney.

Edwardson, M. (2004, September). Understanding Consumer Emotions. Working with Consumer Emotions Industry Symposium, University of Queensland Business School, Brisbane.

Edwardson, M. (2004, July). Role of the Consumer Psychologist. Consumer Research and Psychology: College of Organisational Psychologists, APS (VIC) Branch. Melbourne.

*Edwardson, M. & Patterson, P. (2003, December). Antecedent Causes and Coping Responses as Predictors of
Consumer Emotional Labour: Customers are hard at work too. Australian and NZ Marketing Academy Conference, University of S.A., Adelaide.

*Prasongsukarn, K., Patterson, P., Cowley, E., Edwardson, M. (2003, December). The Impact of Cultural Orientation on Post-Recovery Service Satisfaction. Australian and NZ Marketing Academy Conference, University of S.A., Adelaide.

*Farrell, C., Cowley, E., Edwardson, M. (2003, December) A New Classification of Uncertainty Orientation: Exploring the Susceptibility to the Hindsight Bias in a Gambling Context", Australian and NZ Marketing Academy Conference, University of S.A., Adelaide.

Edwardson, M. (2003, October 16). Heart Strings and Mind Games. HEART & SOLD: Unlocking customer dreams & drivers
Full Day Workshop - Melbourne. Networx Marketer's Meetings.

*Cowley, E. Farrell, C.& Edwardson, M. (2003 October 9-12), "Affective Expectations and Uncertainty Orientation: When do Affective Expectations Stop Influencing Affective Reactions?" Association for Consumer Research 2003 North American Conference, Toronto Canada.

*Cowley, E. Farrell, C.& Edwardson, M. (2003 October 9-12), "A New Classification of Uncertainty Orientation: Exploring the Susceptibility to the Hindsight Bias in a Gambling Context," Association for Consumer Research 2003 North American Conference, Toronto Canada.

Edwardson, M.(2003, September) The Consumer Psychology of "Internal Branding" and the "Customer Experience": Opportunities for Organisational Psychologists, College of Organisational Psychologists Workshop, Sydney.

Edwardson, M.(2003, August) Consumer Self-Identity: The Power of ‘Self-Referent’ Emotions: Valuing Consumer Emotions:How do trust and corporate culture influence the consumer? SOCAP 13th Annual Conference Sydney.

Edwardson, M & Croker W.(2003, August) Consumer emotions – Implications for the bottom line.The next steps: Valuing Consumer Emotions:How do trust and corporate culture influence the consumer? SOCAP 13th Annual Conference Sydney.

Edwardson, M.& Croker, W (2003, July) SOCAP Consumer Emotions Study Launch Melbourne, Sydney Brisbane.

*Cowley, Elizabeth, Farrell, Colin and Edwardson Michael (2003, 11-13 June), "The Role of Affective Expectations in a Service Setting," 30th International Research Seminar in Marketing,
La Londe les Maures, France.

Edwardson, M.(2003, May) Emotionworks - Understanding and Working with Emotion in Business. SOCAP Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth

Edwardson, M & Simfendorfer R. (2002, October) Consumer Research: Making it Work for You: Unlocking consumer thinking: What's driving consumer behaviour today? SOCAP 12th Annual Conference Melbourne.

Edwardson, M. (2002, September). Emotional intelligence and customer satisfaction. fun@work Humour Summit Sydney.

Edwardson, M. (2002, August). Conference Chair & Presenter: The Psychology of Life-Stories to Enhance Consumer Insight. Generating and Leveraging Consumer Insight Conference, IQPC, Sydney.

Edwardson, M.(2002, May). Trust: A Consumer Emotion Perspective. Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth

*Govan, C. L., Williams, K. D., Edwardson, M., & Wheeler, L. (2001, April). The Implicit Association Test as a measure of consumer involvement. Conference presentation at the Society of Australasian Social Psychology, Fremantle.

Edwardson, M. (2001, April). Understanding the Complex Emotions in Complaints, Keynote Speech IES Conferences - Sydney.

*Williams, K, Edwardson, M, Wheeler, L & Govan, C., (2001, February). Consumer Involvement Can Be Measured by the Implicit Association Test, Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, (Scottsdale, Arizona).

*Govan, C. L., Williams, K. D., Edwardson, M., & Wheeler, L. (2001, February). The Implicit Association Test as a measure of consumer involvement. Poster presentation at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, Texas.

Edwardson, M. (2001, January). Relationship Marketing. AMP National Conference, Brisbane.

*Edwardson, M, Williams, K, Wheeler, L & Govan, C. (2000, October). A multi-method measure of reader involvement: Matching explicit and implicit associations, IAT Applications in Consumer Behaviour Symposium. (University of Washington, Seattle).

Edwardson, M. (2000, May). Emotion Profiles of customers and their impact on marketing strategy. CUSTOMER LOYALTY 2000, Sydney.

Edwardson, M. (2000, February). Leadership in Consumer Psychology, Goldwell Cosmetics Conference, Gold Coast.

Edwardson, M. (1999, November). The Experience Economy, Keynote Speech Customer Relationship and Business Management Summit - Sydney.

Edwardson, M. (1999, September). The Power of Emotion, Keynote Speech Australian Customer Service Association - Perth.

Edwardson, M. (1999, August). Measuring Consumer Emotions, College of Organisational Psychologists - Macquarie University, Sydney.

Edwardson, M. (1999, August). Understanding the Complex Emotions in Complaints, IES Conferences - Sydney

Edwardson, M. (1999, March). The Pride of Service, Goldwell Cosmetics Conference - Gold Coast.

Edwardson, M. (1999, March). Images and Impressions - The Experience of Attractiveness in Woman's Magazines, Murdoch Magazines - Melbourne and Sydney.

Edwardson,M. (1998, September). Chairman Profitable Customer Loyalty: going beyond Customer Satisfaction, - IES Conferences, Boulevard Hotel Sydney.

Edwardson, M. (1998, April). Measuring the Consumer Experience, Market Research Society of Western Australia Conference.

*Edwardson, M. (1997, December). Emotion Knowledge Structures in Services, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (Melbourne).

*Edwardson, M. (1997, October). Emotion Knowledge Structures in Service Encounters, American Marketing Association - Frontiers in Services Conference (Nashville).

*Edwardson, M. (1997, October). Emotional Profiling in Service Encounters, Market Research Society of Australia (Sydney).

Edwardson, M. (1997, August) Emotional Profiling in Services, Australian Customer Service Association Summit (Sydney).

*Edwardson, M. (1997, July). Emotion Prototypes in Service Encounters: A Comparison between Hospitality and other Services, International Tourism Research Conference (Sydney).

*Edwardson, M. (1997, April). Emotion Prototypes in Service Encounters, Australasian Society of Social Psychologists (Wollongong).

Edwardson, M. (1997, February). Emotion Prototypes in Exchange Relationships, ANZDOC (Sydney).

*King, B. & Edwardson, M. (1996, February). Communicating Academic Research to Industry Operators using Correspondence Analysis, Hospitality and Tourism Research Conference, Coffs Harbour.


Articles, Editorial and Media
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editorial references and interviews in:

Maley, Jacqueline (2009, March 6). R stands for really depressing. Financial Review, p.3

Mercer, Phil (2008, August 4). Shunned Starbucks in Aussie Exit. BBC Business.

Cook, Margaret (2006, February 27). Would you like feelings with that? The Age Education

Smith, Bridie (2005, January 11). Charity puts the squeeze on. The Age.

Smith, Bridie (2004, December 17). Spirit of Christmas makes way for Scrooge. The Age.

Emotional Consumers (2004, Winter). Degrees: School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing Magazine, Victoria University p.8.

Ligerarkis, M (2004, February). Consumer Psychology: Mind Games, Professional Marketing (official magazine of the Australian Marketing Institute).

Barlow. J (2003, November 24) Looking Carefully at Trust  
TMI NZ Article.
Fox, C. (2003, October). The truth about buying and selling. Financial Review: Boss, 10, pp.29-36.
Stewart. P (2003, October 9) Superglue Your Customers To Your Brand, TMI NZ Article
SOCAP Consumer Emotions Study (2003, September), Consumer Directions: Journal of SOCAP Australia, p.3.
Love your customers! Discovering what your customers feel about you and how you can delight them with quality experiences.(2003, September) from Australasian Customer Focus & Strategy Magazine Issue 6 Volume 2.
Burbury, R. (2003, September). Broken Dreams: how to kill a customer relationship. Financial Review: Boss, 9, p10.
Sandy Kaye (2003, August 9). Supermarket Shopping, Saturday Afternoon, Talk1116 Melbourne Radio 3AK.
Shrewd shopping: Avoiding budget busters (2003, August 4), Tamara Faraday Reporter, Alex Ware Associate Producer: A Current Affair, Channel Nine.
Danielle Veldre (2003, August 4) Consumers want satisfaction, B&T Weekly.
Julie McCrossin (2003, July 18) Consumer Emotions Study, Life Matters ABC National Radio.
Consumer Emotion Insight (2003, July 18) AdNews, p.3.
Peter Gotting (2003, July 17), We don't trust 'em, they don't trust us, Sydney Morning Herald, Business, p.27.
Brad Howarth, (2003, July17-23), CRM comes in, Trust Goes Out.
BRW, p.56
Higgins, S and Brown, A (2003, July 6) Grow Your Own, Background Briefing, ABC Radio National.
Mercer, J. (2003). May I Help You? Great Customer Service for Small Business. Allen & Unwin, Sydney NSW.
Stewart. P (2003, June 11) Call Me Loyal! - but only if I really am!
TMI NZ Article.
Vokes-Dudgeon, S. & Bromley, M. (2003, February 8). Over to the Experts, New Idea, p.9.
Consumer Research: Making it Work for You (2002, December), Consumer Directions: Journal of SOCAP Australia, p.15-16
Tarrant, D. (2001, September). So Near... So Far. Financial Review: Boss, p40-43.
Hannen, M. (2001, June 15). The Customer is not Satisfied. BRW, p64-69.
A new era in satisfaction research: customer emotions: Awesome Service, Keystone Management Services, May 2001.
Jones, A. (2001, February). More Than Satisfied. Financial Review: Boss, p18-19.
Galvin, N. (2000, June 24) Are you being served? ICON, Sydney Morning Herald.
e-Commerce as an Emotional Experience: Customer Satisfaction and Beyond, e-Access Customer Relationship Management Magazine, December/January 1999/2000, p.26-30.

Revealing the Dimensions of Attractiveness, Comet, UNSW, June 1999, p1

The Power of Emotion, Customer Magazine, Australian Customer Service Institute, July 1999, p. 28.

Experience the Emotion, Fringe Benefits - Goldwell Cosmetics, Winter/Spring Edition, p.17.

Radio Interviews on Attractiveness Study, 5AA Adelaide - John Hancock, 96FM Perth - Kate Mann, 5DN Adelaide - Ken Dickens.

Attractive Women Questioned, B&T Weekly Magazine, March 5 1999, p.8

Girl next door is in, Financial Review, March 4, 1999, p.55

Sex Kitten Scratched in Beauty Stakes, The Courier Mail, March 3 1999, p8

Only Skin Deep: Women Expose Myths of Beauty, The Daily Telegraph, March 3 1999 p.23

The Flaw in Satisfaction,In Vue Marketing and Management Service, 6,14, p14 Oct 1998.

Emotional Profiling, Tempus - TMI, Winter 1998, p.4-5.

Bob Hughes Interview, (Consumer Emotions) Radio 2BL, Sunday 24 August 1997.

Emotional Profiling, SuperService, December, 1997, p.8-12.

Why shopping has its ups and downs , Sunday Telegraph, 24 August, 1997, p.30

The Service Experience…It's Emotional, Comet, September 1997, p1.

Consumer Emotions and Satisfaction, Uniken, University of NSW, 15 August 1997 p.1

Survey: service is emotional experience for consumers, B&T Magazine, 8 August, 1997, p.16.

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